Winchester Travel
Guten Tag
(That’s ‘Good Day’ in German)
When travelling abroad, learning a few words in the local language can make all the difference
Helpful Phrases
A Few Words of French:
Good morning/day (until 5 p.m.): Bonjour, Good evening: Bonsoir, Goodbye: Au revoir, Please: S’il vous plaît, Thank you: Merci, Yes: Oui, No: Non, Do you speak English?: Parlez-vous anglais?, I don’t understand: Je ne comprends pas, Please write it down: Scrivez-le, S’il vous plaît, How much?: C’est combien?, 1: Un, 2: Deux, 3: Trois, 4: Quatre, 5: Cinq, 6: Six, 7: Sept, 8: Huit, 9: Neuf, 10: Dix, Where is…?: Où est…?, Telephone: Le téléphone, Bathroom: Les toilettes, Tea: Thé, Coffee: Café, Bottled water: De l’eau minérale (carbonated=eau petillante, non-carbonated=eau plate), Cheers!: Santé!, Restaurant check/bill: L’addition, Have a nice day!: Bonne journée!, Waiter: Monsieur (not garçon), Waitress: Mademoiselle.
A Few Words of Dutch:
Good morning: Goede morgen, Good afternoon: Goede middag, Good evening: Goede avond, Goodbye: Totziens, Yes: Ja, No: Nee, Please: Alstublieft, Thank you very much: Dank u wel, How much does it cost?: Wat kost dit?, 1: Een, 2: Twee, 3: Drie, 4: Vier, 5: Vijf, 6: Zes, 7: Zeven, 8: Acht, 9: Negen, 10: Tien, Where is…?: Waar is…?, Admission free: Vrije toegang, No Smoking: Verboden te roken, Entrance: Ingang, Exit: Uitgang, Restaurant check/bill: Reckening.
A Few Words of German:
Good morning/day: Guten Tag, Good evening: Guten Abend, Please/You’re welcome: Bitte, Thank you: Danke, Yes: Ja, No: Nein, Do you speak English?: Sprechen Sie Englisch?, I don’t understand: Ich verstehe nicht, Please write it down: Können Sie das bitte aufschreiben? How much?: Wieviel kostet das?, 1: Eins, 2: Zwei, 3: Drei, 4: Vier, 5: Fünf, 6: Sechs, 7: Sieben, 8: Acht, 9: Neun, 10: Zehn, Where is…?: Wo ist…?, Telephone: Telefon, Bathroom: Toilette, Tea: Tee, Coffee: Kaffee, Bottled water: Mineralwasser, Cheers!: Prost!, Restaurant check/bill: Die Rechnung.
A Few Words of Italian:
Good morning/day: Buongiorno, Good evening: Buonasera, Hi: Ciao, Please: Per favore, Thank you: Grazie, You’re welcome: Prego, Yes: Sì, No: No, Do you speak English?: Parla inglese?, I don’t understand: Non capisco, How much?: Quanto costa?, 1: Uno, 2: Due, 3: Tre, 4: Quattro, 5: Cinque, 6: Sei, 7: Sette, 8: Otto, 9: Nove, 10: Dieci, Where is…?: Dov’è…?, Telephone: Telefono, Bathroom: Toilette, Tea: Té, Coffee: Caffé, Bottled water: Acqua minerale (carbonated=gassata, non-carbonated=non gassata), Cheers!: Salute!, Restaurant check/bill: Il conto, Have a nice day!: Buona giornata!
A Few Words of Spanish:
Hello: Hola, Good morning: Buenos días, Good afternoon: Buenas tardes, Goodbye: Hasta luego, Please: Por favor, Thank you: Gracias, Yes: Sí, No: No, Do you speak English?: Habla usted ingles?, I do not understand: Yo no entiendo, Please write it down: Por favor, escribalo, How much?: Cuánto vale?, 1: Uno, 2: Dos, 3: Tres, 4: Cuatro, 5: Cinco, 6: Seis, 7: Siete, 8: Ocho, 9: Nueve, 10: Diez, Where is…?: Donde está…?, To the right: A la derecha, To the left: A la izquierda, Telephone: Teléfono, Bathroom: Baño, Tea: Tè, Coffee: Café, Bottled water: Agua mineral, Cheers!: Salud!, Restaurant check/bill: La cuenta, Have a nice day!: Tenga un buen día!
A Few Words of Portuguese:
Good morning: Bom dia, Good afternoon: Boa tarde, Goodbye: Adeus, Please: Se faz favor, Thank you: Muito obrigado, Yes: Sim, No: Não, Do you speak English? Fala inglês?, I don’t understand: Não percebo, Please write it down: Pode escrever, por favor, How much? Quanto custa?, 1: Um, 2: Dois, 3: Tres, 4: Quatro, 5: Cinco, 6: Seis, 7: Sete, 8: Oito, 9: Nove, 10: Dez, Where is…? Aonde é…?, Telephone: Telefone, Bathroom: Casa-de-banho, Tea: Chá, Coffee: Bica, expresso, café, Bottled water: Água mineral, Cheers! Saúde!, Restaurant check/bill: Conta, Have a nice day! Tenha um bom dia!
A Few Words of Arabic:
Good morning: Sabah el khair, Good evening: Masaa el khair, Thank you: Shokrun, Please: Men Fadluck, Do you speak English?: Be’tetkalem englizi?, I don’t understand: Ana mosh fahem, Please write it down: Ekteb hali men fadlak, How much is this?: Bikam dah?, 1: Wahed, 2: Ethné, 3: Thalàtha, 4: Arba’a, 5: Hamsà, 6: Seta, 7: Seba’a, 8: Thamània, 9: Tesa’a, 10: Ash’ra, 20: Eshreen, 30: Thalatheen, 40: Arbae’en, 50: Hamseen, 60: Seteen, 70: Sabèen, 80; Thamanen, 90: Tesa’een, 100: May’a, 150: May’a u hamseen, 200: Metein, Where is…?: Fain…?, Telephone: Telephone, Bathroom: Hammam, Bottled water: Maya maadaneya, Tea: Shaay, Coffee: Ahwa.
A Few Words of Czech:
Hello!: Nazdar!, Goodbye: Naschledanoll, Please: Prosl’m, Thank you: Dekuji, Yes: Ano, No: Ne, , 1: Jeden, 2: Dva, 3: Tri, 4: Chtiri, 5: Pet, 6: Shest, 7: Sedm, 8: Osm, 9: Devet, 10: Deset, Where is…?: Kam/kde…?, Telephone: Telefo’n, Tea: Caj, Coffee: Kafe’, Bottled water: La’hev vody, Cheers!: Na zdravl’!, Have a nice day!: Hezky’ den!
A few words of Hungarian (pronounced as):
Good morning (til 9 a.m.): Jò raggalt, Good day: Jò napot, Good evening:Jò ashtert, Goodbye: Viszla’t, Please: Kèrem, Thank you: Karsarnarm, Yes: Igan, No: Nam, 1: Egy, 2: Ketto, 3: Hàrom, 4: Négy, 5: öt, 6: Hat, 7: Hét, 8: Nyolc, 9: Kilenc, 10: Tiz, I don’t understand: Nam ertam, Please write it down: Keram i’rja le, Where is…?: Hol…?, Telephone: Telefon, Coffee: Karver, Bottled water: Palatzkozott vi’z, Cheers!: Egershergera!
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